Reticular varicose veins

Reticular varicose veins - plexus of small vessels with red, blue, purple color, translucent through the skin. They can appear on the face, stomach, chest, but the most common localization - the lower limbs.What are reticular varicose veins

In the human body, blood circulates according to arteries, veins, capillaries, veins. The arteries are the largest vessels of the circulatory system. They are related to the veins. The smallest vessels are veins. On the lower limbs under the skin, surface intermediate vessels are observed. Their diameter is greater than the diameter of the capillaries, but the lower diameter of the trunk veins. Such a venous network is called reticular. In other words, reticular veins are small millimeter vessels that are visible under the skin of the feet.

There are valves in each vein. They filter the direction of blood movement and volume. There is only one valve in the reticular vein. If it is deformed, then the vein widens, twists and performs a larger volume of blood. The venous pressure in the mesh layer of the skin increases due to the accumulation of blood in a particular area. Cream deficiency develops and forms reticular varicose veins - plexus in small vessels with red, blue, purple color, translucent through the skin.  At what places do the reticolar usually appear

The vascular plexus of small vessels can appear on the face, abdomen, chest, but the most common localization - the lower limbs.

Reticular legs are found:  

  • On the posterior surface of the knee joints. Spider's webs are observed in young women;
  • at the top of the legs;
  • on the inner surface of the thighs;
  • Over the ankles.Causes and risk factors for the development of reticular varicose veins

    Most often, the disease is observed in women. The trigger is a violation of hemodynamics. Due to the fact that the valve is deformed, the blood begins to circulate in the opposite direction. The plexus of the blood vessels is flooded and the blood stagnates. As a result, the walls of the vessels expand, become more brush and more noticeable through the skin.  

    It can be preceded by this condition:

  • Hormonal jump. Reducing estrogens and progesterone growth leads to a loss of vein tone and enlargement of the lumen of blood vessels, rapid coagulation of the blood, and a decrease in plasma antithrombine. Flobopathy develops. This process is often observed in pregnant women, as well as in women who take oral contraceptives.
  • Heredity. The change in connective tissue is transmitted along the female line, therefore, with varicose veins in a mother or grandmother, the risk of expanding the reticular vessels is already at a young age.
  • Load load. In people working or standing, the diagnosis is made more frequent. The reticular varicose veins of both limbs are observed among office workers, accountants, wallets, hairdressers, teachers.
  • Frequent flights on the plane. With the journey of air due to atmospheric pressure jumps, the tone of the blood vessels and blood flow to the retlices change.

    The development of the disease is worsened by smoking, obesity, arterial hypertension, second and subsequent pregnancy, intake of corticosteroids, liver cirrhosis, systemic scleroderma.Signs

    The disease at the initial stage is latent. You can suspect the reticular form of varicose diseases of the lower limbs in cyanotic skin color. Thin veins appear on the legs:

  • a tree -like shape (many vessels branch left and right on one base);
  • web or stars (vessels start from the center in different directions);
  • Lines (even stripes of blood vessels).

    Defeat veins are particularly noticeable at the end of the day after sports, weight lifting, long static position, running or long -distance walks. In the morning the defect of the legs is invisible.  

    As blood flow worsens, the concomitant symptoms worsen:

  • Discomfort in the muscles of the calf. The involuntary cramps appear suddenly and pass after massage of the limbs;
  • weight and fatigue in the legs;
  • Burning and itching in the legs and legs.

    The clinic manifests itself more strongly during menstruation due to increased blood flow.

    Symptoms are faded after resting with legs raised. Unlike varicose veins, pain, swelling and trophic disorders.Signs of reticular varicose veinsThe danger of reticular varicose veins

    In many cases, patients do not pay attention to vascular stars and do not rush to the doctor. There are virtually no symptoms, so women write off the visibility of veins on a cosmetic defect.

    If you do not start treatment at the initial stage, the valve deficiency of deep trunk will develop. The reticular varicose veins of BPV tributaries are particularly dangerous. A large subcutaneous vein moves on the medial side of the legs and connects to the femur. As the BPV valves develop, varicose disease develops.

    With prolonged ignoring the problem, the vascular network is exacerbated and the risk of trophic ulcers increases.Methods to diagnose the disease

    The diagnosis is established by a phlebologist. He examines the patient to lie down and stand. The doctor should distinguish the reticular varicose veins from Telangiectasia, the initial stage of the LVEDO mesh, clippel-Tenone syndrome, Mafuchchi syndrome, Bloom syndrome, port spots.

    Ultrasound is prescribed in the duplex mode. Ultrasound evaluates the condition of the valves of the veins. The diagnosis is established if a violation of the reticular blood flow is confirmed, ie there is an obstacle and reflux of the surface vessels.

    Uzdg conducted. Dopplerography shows the direction of blood movement. During the scan, the doctor asks to hold his breath, to strangle, to simulate walking. On the screen, the image of the vessels of green and red is displayed. The red color shows the length of the pathological zone and the green - the functionality of the venous valve. Indicate the direction and speed of blood movement.Treatment of reticular varicose veins

    In the treatment of reticular form of varicose disease at an early stage, the result is favorable.

    First, a phlebologist prescribes drug therapy to improve blood flow combined with compression therapy.

    Drug therapyIt includes the intake of the venics based on Rutoside, Heparin, Troxerutin, Diosmin. They regulate lymph leakage, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize vascular permeability, increase the tone of the veins, prevent convulsions and the development of trophic disorders.

    Depending on the number of retiches, the doctor choosesCompression socksSWith subcutaneous veins on the lower legs, it is recommended to wear a tights of a therapeutic action. If webs appear on the back of the knees, becoming an elastic bandage or wearing of class A tights.

    If the number of reticulars increases and the vascular network is noticeable even after rest, then they begin to treat the lower limbs with the hardware method.

    Laser therapyIt consists in the influence of light of light on the vascular plexus. The laser heats the vein, which causes the inner surface of the vessel. The blood ceases to flow through this vein. To achieve the result, you need to undergo 2-3 procedures with an interval of 2-3 weeks. After you have been processing for 12 hours, you cannot load the limb, sunbathing in the sun, take a shower and go to the bathroom. Laser coagulation has a disadvantage. If the doctor will affect the same site for a long time, you can get a burn. The method is effective for blood vessels less than 1 mm.

    With the enlargement of veins by more than 3 mm is prescribedsclerotherapySIt consists in the introduction of a special sclerosant in the lumen of the vein under the control of ultrasound. The substance sticks the walls, which is why the blood supply to the pathological area ceases. A substance in the form of foam is used to treat intradermal varicose veins. The procedure is painless because the injections are made from the best needles. Perhaps burning during the administration of the drug. After injection, a tight dressing is pulled. Taking a cool shower and removing the compression linen is allowed the same day.  

    Microflectomy is not performed with a reticular type of disease.

    Treatment will not be effective if you do not eliminate the root cause. OBOOR people need to adjust the weight to reduce the load on the legs. Office workers have to pause, get up and walk every hour. High collection shoes should wear comfortable shoes with a wide block and heel height of no more than 5 cm.Treatment of reticular varicose veins in the doctor's clinic:

    Endovasal laser coagulation (EVVK)

    If you have varicose veins, then it does not mean that you will have to perform the surgery! New medical technologies allow you to get rid of this disease without surgery.


    Sclerotherapy is a methodology for the treatment of varicose veins by introducing sclerosant (special medicine) into the affected veins.


    The technique is used in cases where it is necessary to "stock" large veins.

    Sclerotherapy with foam

    Foam technology (foam sclerotherapy) is used to "connect" varicose veins up to 6 mm in diameter.


    The most new and unique method for combating varicose vessels of any size.

    Venaseal adhesive

    Neurgical treatment of chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins using venaseal biocles. Prevention

    If there is a hereditary predisposition to the development of the disease, it is recommended that you do simple exercises daily to maintain peripheral circulation:

  • in a position lying on the legs of the wall and kept vertically for 5-10 minutes;
  • In the morning, after you wake up, "scroll the bike" and make swings to the right and right one top one top;  
  • Walk yet until you can tear your heels off the floor;
  • In the position to lie down, lift your legs and rotate with your feet;
  • After lifting from the bed, make ten breaks from your finger to heel and from heel to finger.

    Each exercise should be performed 10-15 times a day.

    To maintain a normal blood flow, do not sit on your feet. If the work is stuck, then you should place a roller under your feet and hold them on top.

    The contrast shower tones the vessels in the morning, but you should start gradually. You need to adjust the temperature every day by 1-2 degrees.  

    If there are single extensions to prevent the massive appearance of varicose veins, it will help to reject salted products. It is worth limiting the consumption of smoked meats, marinades, pickles.